Thursday, February 3, 2011

Where I'm From..

I am from the small town nestled in the hills, from the school's ringing bell tower, from movies in the town square and Coca-Cola in glass bottles.

I’m from the little white house filled with many memories and the yard with the huge pine tree.

I am from the beautiful wildflowers, from daisies and queen anne’s lace that cover the hillside in the spring and summer.

I am from family pool parties, extensively planned and decorated, from sleepovers, sled-riding, and two generations of teachers.

I am from a family with multiple commitments, from big hearts with a full plate of serving others.

From night-time whispers in a shared bedroom with my sisters, Granny’s soothing lullaby, and being called my grandma’s “darling sugarplum.”

I am a child of God, from a well-worn Bible and the love of a large church family. From West Virginia Christian Youth Camp in the summers, where singing around the campfire warms my heart and uplifts my soul.

I am from Flaggy Meadow, from grilled hamburgers and cherry delight.

From reading books with my sisters, fireworks on the Fourth of July, and throwing the same confetti every New Year’s Eve.

I am from family reunions up on the ridge, back porch swings, and summer nights spent catching lightning bugs in the yard.

I am from Mannington, West Virginia, the small town I will always call home, no matter where life takes me.

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