Thursday, September 24, 2009

WebQuest: Rough Draft

Here's the rough draft for my WebQuest. Before you, my peers, give me feedback, here's two things you need to know:

1. I didn't put any graphics on my WebQuest yet, because I was having trouble making things look right on the site. Graphics are in the works, though.
2. The "Kidspiration" software referenced in the "Process" section for the story webs is something new that I haven't tried yet. The original WebQuest used the software, but I haven't had a chance to try it yet. So, once I do my student sample and figure out how the software works, I'll add more detailed instructions for using "Kidspiration" to make the webs.

I think that's all for now. Click here to view my WebQuest and please provide me with your questions, comments, and concerns. Thanks!

Happy WebQuesting!


  1. Kristin,
    I like the idea behind your webquest. It is kind of boring right now, but when you put graphics in it will be much better. Good job so far.

  2. Kristin--your webquest follows the rubric of a 'good webquest' really well. Pictures will help and I wish you luck with figuring that part out! I'm having the same difficulties. The structure is very organized and navigation is very easy! Gooood job.
